About Us

We are a US-headquartered BPO company providing offshore support from our highly skilled staff in Bangladesh to unlock operations for Healthcare Facilities.

Founded at the tail end of 2023 by two friends-turned-business partners, our company emerged under the leadership of our CEO, a seasoned Management Consultant, and our COO, a former BPO Manager. Recognizing the saturation of the BPO market with offshore teams from countries where healthcare facilities and top-tier talent were not the priority, we sought to offer an alternative.

Leveraging our roots in Bangladesh, a country where the workforce is has become increasingly skilled but also remains cost-effective, we aim to revolutionize the global Healthcare BPO industry. Our mission is to provide a superior offshore solution that combines the best of talent and affordability.

We try harder. We think more deeply about our clients. Their wins are our wins.

In a world of Goliaths, we are proud to be David. Our simple advantage is our top-class people who are attracted by top pay and a culture of accountability, empowerment and entrepreneurship

Leadership Team

Ruhit Ahsan

Founder & CEO

An ex-management consultant with a decade of experience in strategy, finance, operations and retail. Graduated with a BA from UC Berkeley and MBA from Columbia Business School

Mahid Hasan

Co-founder & COO

Former BPO Manager with a decade of experience in BPO, technical project management, and customer success. Graduated with a BA from University of Dhaka

Dewan Sadman

Co-founder & CHRO

Former Manager with experience in human resources, business development, manufacturing and retail. Graduated with a BA from Coventry University London

Yusuf Islam

Partner & CTO

Former Software Engineer with experience in advance custom development and Team Leadership. Graduated with a CSE from University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh

Let’s take your Business Operation to new heights

Every solution we craft is unique as it is specifically tailored to meet your business needs. What we guarantee is a highly engaged support team with rich experience and a management team committed to your success.